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Creator, Director, Producer, Actor, Sage & More

We sat down to ask one of our favorite artists a few questions.

Check out his quick interview below!


Conscious Creatives: What is Improv to you and how can it impact an individual and/or community?

Ryan: Improv is a magical wonder to me and I'm almost entirely unsure how it's done when it's done well. It can impact all sorts of places and people because like all art, it's a vehicle for people to express themselves.

Conscious Creatives: What is one of your favorite memories from DSA?

Ryan: Graduating? I'm kidding. Uhhhh I've got notoriously bad memory of high school, but honestly the first thing to come to mind was just kicking it with the Guild pre-college. I miss choir. Mr. Thornton and Painter had dope literature classes that intermingled a kind of philosophy.

Conscious Creatives: Is the Earth flat?

Ryan: I don't think so, but hey, I don't know anything. It does sort of seem flat though, from a really small scale, doesn't it? No, I'm pretty sure the world is round - because everything in nature tends toward a non-linear shape.

Conscious Creatives: How does one begin understanding themselves and having a spiritual awakening?

Ryan: You can't. I'm not saying don't try, but you can't.

Conscious Creatives: What's your favorite Beatles song?

Ryan: Nice question. Might be Eleanor Rigby. I mean that's the first to come to mind. I like em all.

Conscious Creatives: What's your favorite Corin Chavez memory? (Corin Chavez - A friend of ours and artist from Denver passed away October of 2015)

Ryan: I don't have a favorite, I don't think. They were all pretty spectacular and heroic, mythical in a literal kind of way. When I think about it like that though, I couldn't give you a particular memory to prove it. Dozens of times he was selfless and quiet. Subtle and humble.

Conscious Creatives: Beautiful and very true. So last question..What in your opinion is the best Dispensary in Denver?

Ryan: Peak Dispensary, 260 Broadway.

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